Thank you for your interest in our basic text and image domino designs. We pride ourselves in a consistent, beautiful end product that we can send you in a timely manner. The main difference between this service and our other professional services is that we build the dominoes or machines in our own studios, and the design process is streamlined with this form.
Christmas cards, Valentines, birthday messages, and more! Purchase a custom domino video for a creative way to share an important message. This includes logos, characters, portraits, and anything you can think of! You only need to:
1. Fill out this form.
2. Receive a confirmation email from us within 48 hours of your submission.
3. Send the fee via Paypal.
We will send you a Zip file which includes the HD toppling video, and at least 10 HD images of the display before and after it falls.
We will respond to your request within 48 hours and notify you if we are able to build your domino project. Once you send the necessary fee, we will have your domino video completed and sent to you within two weeks. If we fail to meet this timeline, we will refund 50% of the cost back to you upon completion.